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Bilingual Speech and Language Assessment


We know that post-institutionalized children are at risk for delays in
language development. In addition to an oftentimes unknown
prenatal and early postnatal history of motor and speech
development, your child might not have his or her own
"conversational" partner. This is usually the role of a personal
caretaker, who talks to the child. With the absence of such caregiver,
the child's language will be delayed and will have no strong foundation.
But when the first language is poorly developed in a child, it inevitably leads to difficulties in the acquisition of a second language. Thus, speech and language evaluation of your internationally adopted child on arrival in his/her native language may help find real learning disabilities well before they surface in the English language, and secure necessary school support and remedial services from the start. The issues with language development will become apparent already in the psycho-educational assessment, and the psychologist may give you a referral to find out what kind of speech/language difficulties your child has in order to be able to correct them.

Each speech and language assessment uses instruments and procedures designed to test vital parts of the language development of your child regardless of his/her age. These procedures include:
  • Comprehension of language
  • Language expression
  • Language production
  • Language function

Age-appropriate tests from the list below will be used in the assessment:

  • The child's language sample analysis
  • Preschool Language Scale, Fourth Edition (PLS-4)
  • Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Scale (REEL)
  • The Rossetty Infant-Toddler Language Scale
  • Westby Play Scale
  • Goldman-Fristoe 2 Test of Articulation
  • Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (ROWPVT)
  • Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT)
  • Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Fourth Edition (CELF-4)
  • The Test of Narrative language (TNL)
  • Test of Pragmatic Language-Second Edition (TOPL-2)
  • Test of Auditory Processing Skills (TAPS-3)
  • The Articulation Screener of the Preschool Language Scale (PLS-4)
  • Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Third Edition (PPVT-3)
  • Expressive Vocabulary Test
  • Preschool Language Assessment Instrument (PLAI-2)

To learn more about our bilingual (Russian-English; NY and NJ License) speech pathologist
Marina Muchnik and her services, see
M. Muchnik - Bilingual Extension Page

To learn more about our bilingual (Russian-English; NY and NJ License) speech pathologist
Nataliya Chernavsky and her services, see
N. Chernavsky - Bilingual Extension Page



Psychological services for internationally adopted children. Copyright ©1998-2023