Center for cognitive-developmental assessment and remediation
Psychological services for internationally adopted children
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Dr. Gindis
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BGCenter-West is located in Phoenix, AZ. It is a west cost office of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental Assessment and Remediation (BGCenter), composed of independent professionals, specializing with services to the internationally adopted children and working in our Centers.

The BGCenter brings together a unique set of resources to match individual psychological needs of adopted children. We specialize in developmental, psychological and educational issues of preschool and school age internationally adopted children.

Our chief psychologist Dr. Boris Gindis will travel between offices and provide services in both Centers.

Dr. Gindis' methodology of the identification and remediation or compensation for varies delays and impairments in international adoptees is based on his training, hands-on experience with the specific for internationally adopted children issues, research, and native knowledge of the language and culture of many of his patients. Dr. Gindis applies a unique combination of methods of developmental, neuropsychological and educational assessments for developing an all-inclusive remedial programming and support system for adopted children.

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Problem Screening & Referral

Free telephone consultation on the appropriate resources and services for your child available at the BGCenter and BGCenter-West

Initial Screening

Psychological evaluation in the native language of your internationally adopted child for the determination of proper school placement and services.

Telephone Consultation with Child Psychologist

Private consultation with child psychologist Dr. Boris Gindis on specific issues of your internationally adopted child 

Disability Manifestation Determination

Disability manifestation determination service for an internationally adopted child at school

Psycho-Educational Assessment

Most comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation for the purpose of special education or private school placement of your internationally adopted child

Second Opinion Service

The opinion of a specialist on the quality and drawbacks of your internationally adopted child's previous assessment and records

    Combined Developmental
    Neuropsychological and Educational Assessment

    This combined assessment is recommended for a child, exhibiting symptoms of cognitive impairment and/or significant developmental delay the nature of which needs to be understood to develop a comprehensive remedial program for this child.


Psychological services for internationally adopted children. Copyright ©1998-2023