Unit 1.
Introduction to the SmartStart
Toolbox II
Unit 2.
Noticing our world
- Guidelines for parents.
- Part 1. Learning
how to look, listen, touch and to be aware of the
Activity 1: "What is This?"
Activity 2: "Details; Details..."
Activity 3: "Sense-A-Tional Food!"
Activity 4: "To See Is To Remember"
- Part 2. Pattern recognition and pattern
Activity 1: "Cereal Serial"
Activity 2: "A Moving Experience"
Activity 3: "Pattern Pictures"
- Part 3. Comparing and classifying by
shape, color, size.
Activity 1: "The Collector"
Activity 2: "I Spy" Activity 3: "Pasta
Unit 3. Let's
make a plan
Unit 4.
That's fantastic!
Unit 5. The
nimble symbol
Unit 6. What's
the big idea?
- Guidelines for parents.
- Part 1. Main ideas.
Activity 1: "You Tell Me Yours
and I'll Tell You Mine" Activity 2: "Headlines"
Activity 3: "TV Gab"
- Part 2. Principles and rules.
Activity 1: "Rules for
My Space" Activity 2: "The Rules of
the Game" Activity 3: "It's the Principle
of the Thing"
Unit 7. Who is
in charge?
- Guidelines for parents.
- Part 1. Main ideas.
Activity 1:
"Relax" Activity 2: "Mirror, Mirror!"
Activity 3: "Red Light" Activity 4:
"First Say; Then Do" Activity 5: "Listen
up!" Activity 6: "All the World's a
Stage" Activity 7: "When You're Happy
and You Know It
" Activity 8: "Taking
Turns as Boss"
Unit 8. Making
connections: understanding the past - facilitating the
- Guidelines for parents.
- Part 1. Cause and effect thinking.
Activity 1: "Me, Myself,
and I" Activity 2: "We're Connected"
Activity 3: "Finding the Source"
- Part 2. Family relationships.
Activity 1: "Ritually Speaking"
Activity 2: "Let Them Read History"