International Adoption Info

Newsletter #129 for Internationally Adopting Parents
April 28, 2010
PAL Center Inc.


New Classes for Adoption Preparation and Postadoption Support

Course SJM1
The reality of parenting an internationally adopted child under 3

Course program


New Specialist
in the BGCenter-West

Carol Zelaya
School Psychologist,
M.Ed., Ed.S.

Beginning June 2010,
we accept Spanish-speaking internationally adopted children
for psychological screening, proper school placement determination, and services
in our BGCenter-West office
in Phoenix, Arizona.

For more information call 845-694-8496
or email

You receive this newsletter
as a former client or correspondent
of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
or a former student
of the BGCenter Online School,
or a user of the International Adoption Articles Directory.



Latest Articles
from the

International Adoption Articles Directory

New Articles

Let Us Look for Solutions

Kashia Smith
Being a step parent can be a tough job
Being a step parent is a different from being an adoptive parent job, but a common sense realistic position of the author is relevant and to the point for the situation of the older internationally adoptee: win the respect of your child first and then look for love and true attachment of the child - those are not given to you with the adoption paperwork.

Patty Cogen, Ed. D.
Tatyana Gindis, BGCenter, Director
Boris Gindis, Ph. D

Connect or disconnect: who is to blame for Artyom’s fate and can we correct problems?

A brutally awakening story of Artyom is almost behind us, but things that adoptive families can and should do in the future to avoid similar disasters are current and still ahead.

M. Muchnik, CCC-SLP
Presentation 8: How to request speech/language services for your child
Many parents of the internationally adopted youngsters find themselves in situations when their child demonstrates speech and language issues in the native tongue that may be perceived at school as transient and borderline, i.e. not significant enough, to warrant any intensive speech/language remediation. This misunderstanding typically arises from a lack of exposure of some educators and mental health professionals to the specific needs and problems of international adoptees. But the accumulated experience shows that any delay with timely remedial services is likely to cause magnified problems in the English language learning. To help parents address this issue with their school, below is a template of a letter to your educational facility with detailed explanations that you can bring up when requesting remedial services for your child. You are also welcome to print out the referenced articles and bring them to your school.

Debbie Jeffrey
ADHD or Hyperarousal? Hyperactivity in traumatized and adopted children Why is it that so many adopted children are diagnosed with ADHD? Debbie Jeffrey, an adoptive parent and counsellor, explains how trauma related to adoption can affect the brain in a way which causes hyperactivity. She outlines briefly some useful parenting strategies for these hyperaroused children.

At BGCenter-West
BGCenter Has Opened its West Coast Office-
the BGCenter-West!

Dr. B. Gindis travels between offices and provides services in both Centers
Next Trip to BGCenter-West
June 5-19, 2010

Please call the main number at
for the advanced scheduling in both locations


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