International Adoption Info

Newsletter #55 for Internationally Adopting Parents
April 5, 2007
PAL Center Inc.

In This Issue

Hilton Garden Inn Nanuet
offers discounts to
the BGCenter patients

Q. I am an intermediate speaker of Russian and my husband and I are looking at adopting a 5-8 year old child whom I will home school. What would be your general recommendation for how to deal with language in this situation?

A. You are the only one speaking Russian and your husband is not. Under these circumstances, your knowledge of conversational Russian will be very helpful initially, but there is practically no chance to keep your child bilingual in this situation. More over, if the child has any developmental delays, learning disabilities or speech/language disorders, the chances are pretty high that learning the new language and attempting to maintain the native one concurrently will impede the remediation in general, as her major task at this moment will be to learn English to be able to function adequately.

You should concentrate on providing the child with good patterns of conversational English, which will be very easy; and on reinforcing/acquiring a solid base in cognitive English, which may be significantly more difficult due to the expected for the internationally adopted children breaks and misses in their knowledgebase, learning skills, self-regulation, etc. In her schooling do not assume that the child has the age-expected skills/general knowledge; rather go back to the point where you can see some necessary measurable skills to build upon no matter how far back you have to return.

There is a lot of information on language issues of internationally adopted children and how to address them in the International Adoption Articles Directory. You can also utilize the course SmartStart Program: Helping an Internationally Adopted Child Develop a Foundation for Learning. Toolbox III, Ages 3 to 8, developed specifically for the families with adopted children of your perspective daughter's age.
Dr. Boris Gindis, Ph.D.
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