International Adoption Info

Newsletter #68 for Internationally Adopting Parents
August 2, 2007
PAL Center Inc.



Initial Psycho-Educational
of preschool and school age

Children from China In the Native Language
is now available
Psychological services at the Center for Cognitive-developmental Assessment and Remediation
Call 845-694-8496 for details


Jean Mauro, LCSW, Psychotherapist specializing in children and families

In the midst of attachment issues:
What to do when you are concerned

During a group session we the following questions are addressed:

  • Parental expectations and the realities of bonding.
  • Practical bonding and attachment between you and your child of any age (What works and what doesn't).
  • How to deal with behavioral and emotional disturbances: excessive aggression, emotional detachment, clingy behavior.
  • How to develop a support system for your family.
  • Setting priorities and establishing routines.
of other consultations

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as a former client or correspondent of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
or a former student
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International Adoption Articles Directory

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Avoiding Parent Burn-Out

Harriet White McCarthy
How to Avoid the Syndrome of Parent Burn-Out
Parent Burn-Out is a legitimate and very real concern for those who have children with any kind of challenging issues. Frequently, parents of children with special challenges will complain that they feel trapped, disappointed, over-committed, and increasingly unable to cope.

Harriet McCarthy, the mother of 3 internationally adopted children, is a free-lance writer whose primary interest is the challenging issues of post-institutionalized children. Over the past ten years she has been involved with support groups for parents of Eastern European adopted children and children with learning differences. She has managed the Eastern European Adoption Coalition's PEP-List (Parent Education and Preparedness) since its inception in 1998 and is a current EEAC Board Member. In 2003, she received the Congressional Angels in Adoption award.

In her article Harriet gives very practical advice and how to avoid the debilitating burn-out that can come with parenting children with challenges:

  • Acknowledge the difficulty of the job you’re doing. Make sure your expectations of yourself are realistic and constructive.
  • Rid yourself of counter-productive expectations about your children.
  • Find ways to have some alone time and make an effort to keep yourself renewed and nurtured.
  • Re-assess your family priorities. Devote some extra effort to your partner in life.
  • Reach out for help and support.
  • Keep things in perspective but most of all keep it real!
Dr. D.S. Merchant
Schizophrenia and Social Support
Looking at my patient’ scenario I feel she had multiple factors which led her to mental illness; these were poverty, lack of parental attention in childhood and teenage, unavailability of supportive person, loss of husband, suppression of own feelings due to role transition, and social stigma.

 Dr. Noel Swanson
How to Regulate Your Child’s TV Watching

Television is no longer considered a means of entertainment only; indeed, it can be informative, educational and uplifting. Nevertheless, there is no denying the fact that most of what is shown on TV is pure nonsense, if not cheap and obscene. As parents, your concern about what your child watches is justified because most of the time it portrays behavior that is quite unacceptable in most social circles, and presents it as normal, or even desirable behavior.

 Dr. Noel Swanson
How to Deal with Your Child Being Kicked Out of School

The British have increased their media and news coverage regarding misbehaving children in school in recent days. The topic usually ends with a solution that centers around removing troublemakers from the traditional classroom setting.

From Our Database

Harriet White McCarthy
Post Adoption Depression - The Unacknowledged Hazard
There is a crisis of epidemic proportion within the International Adoption Community. It has the potential to compromise the health and well-being of many adoptive families. Known as Post Adoptive Depression or PAD, it affects over 65 percent of adopting mothers according to a recent survey by the Eastern European Adoption Coalition (EEAC), yet goes unacknowledged or unrecognized by agencies, social workers, and most of the medical community.


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