B. Gindis
Delays in Internationally Adopted Children
There are two major causes of
developmental delays of non-organic nature in international adoptees:
Developmental trauma that results in "mixed maturity" and
emotional/behavioral problems and can accumulate into Developmental
Trauma Disorder and a profound cultural/educational neglect that leads
to Cumulative Cognitive Deficit in these children. Both causes may often
co-exist in a particular child.
A significant body of research
and clinical practice have confirmed that many internationally adopted
post-institutionalized children demonstrate the presence of developmental
trauma as a result of repeated traumatization in their early childhood
(deprivation of their basic physical and emotional needs, abandonment,
life in an institution, adoption and sometimes disruption and re-adoption,
transition to a foreign country, the loss of culture and language, ongoing
frustration at school, etc.).
Attachment is a buzz word, but it is limited to a specific
set of interactive behaviors at a certain age between mother and child.
Developmental trauma (the stress-shaped brain) encompasses attachment
as well as other areas of development, such as attention, activity level,
tactile/auditory and other sorts of sensitivity. Based on this concept,
Dr. Patty Cogen in her workshop, the book and the online course offers
her own approach to therapy of a traumatized child.
Patty Cogen,
M.A., Ed.D.
the author of the book
Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child,
the author and instructor of the online course
First Year Home: What to Expect and How to Respond
for Psychotherapists and Other Mental Health Professionals
Childhood Attachment
Trauma And The Stressed Shaped Brain
with Internationally Adopted Children and Their Parents
1101 South Winchester Blvd., San
Jose, CA 95128
April 9 and 10, 2011
9:30am 3:30pm (each day)
This two day workshop will prepare you to understand
the new diagnosis, Traumatic Developmental Disorder, that has been proposed
by Bessel Van Der Kolk, Alicia Leiberman, Frank Putnam, Robert PynoosMichael
Scheeringa and others. This diagnosis describes the way that the experience
dependent brain develops in unique and predictable ways following traumatic
events from infancy and early childhood onward up to adulthood. From
this context you will learn about the types of therapeutic and parenting
strategies that are most effective with children who exhibit symptoms
of TDD. Specifically we will learn about how attention, regulation,
attachment, social interactions, and cognitive learning are impacted.
These initial impacts result in a widening cascade of disorders, such
as ADD, Sensory Integration, Learning disabilities, Conduct Disorders,
Somatozation etc.
Certain groups of children are particularly prone to
experiencing TDD, such as international adoptees, older domestic adoptees
and foster-adopt children, as are children who experience neglect and/or
abuse from their biologically related parents. Parents (adoptive or
not) have enormous resistance to accepting this diagnosis. There is
an urgent need to learn how to educate parents to uses effective and
often counterintuitive parenting strategies to help a child move from
"survival" behaviors to "family-oriented" behaviors.
Consbruck, Attorney at Law
I Cant Do Any More Paperwork!
By the time you get home with the
newest member of your family, you probably already feel youve
completed enough paperwork to last a lifetime, and now your child
is finally in that new bedroom in your home. But dont stop there.
Especially if you use a qualified adoption lawyer to assist you, the
re-adoption process (also frequently referred to as a Recognition
of Foreign Adoption) is an important final step.