International Adoption Info

Newsletter #122 for Internationally Adopting Parents
January 13, 2010
PAL Center Inc.

Happy New Year!

PAL Center, Inc.


Courses, CDs,
& Workshops
to prepare
for adoption of an older orphan from abroad


BGCenter Has Opened its
West Coast Office -
the BGCenter-West!

Dr. B. Gindis
travels between offices and
provides services in both Centers

Next trip
March 14-26, 2010

is opened in cooperation with
Leaps and Bounds
Pediatric Therapy Center

at 1760 E Pecos Rd.
Gilbert, AZ 85296

Please call the main number at
for the advanced scheduling
in both locations

You receive this newsletter
as a former client or correspondent
of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
or a former student
of the BGCenter Online School,
or a user of the International Adoption Articles Directory.



Latest Articles
from the

International Adoption Articles Directory

New Articles

Back to the Basics: Understanding Adoption
Helping children cope with violence
Witnessing violence on television or in video games really pales in comparison to witnessing violence in real life situations. Children who have been exposed to violence, such as neighborhood shootings, abusive parents, bullying at school, and so on, may develop signs of post-traumatic stress disorder, more commonly known as PTSD.

Reat Cresen
Some simple ways to help children play at home

A supportive environment fosters numerous aspects of intelligence. The following 10 easy ways to stimulate intelligence in children will provide an "enriched environment" for brain growth.

Internet Digest


Child Welfare Information Gateway
Communicating About Adoption
Parents who feel good about adoption, are comfortable talking about it, and can openly acknowledge their child's feelings are best able to help their children do the same. Parents who tense up when the topic is raised or who keep it a secret may send the message that something is wrong with being adopted. This section presents tips for communicating about adoption and recognizing your child's history in a positive way.

Angela Krueger
International Adoption Books for School Age Kids
Children's books about international adoption help kids process their feelings about being adopted and help adoptive parents begin talks with their family.

ADVANCE for Speech/language pathologists and Audiologists
Neurological Foundations for Learning
Recent scientific findings in neuroscience, psychology, and machine learning are creating the foundations for a new science of learning.

Cheryl N. Smith, Esq
Estate Planning for the Adoptive Family
Cheryl N. Smith is an estate planning attorney at the law firm of Bass, Doherty and Finks, P.C. She is also mom to her beautiful daughter adopted at birth through open adoption.

New classes will open soon at the BGCenter Online School

Online class PC1
The first year home: What to expect and how to respond

Dr. Patty Cogen, the author of the book
Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child--from your first hours together through the teen years.

Online class SJM1
Adopting a Child From Birth
to Three Years Old

Jean Roe Mauro, LCSW and Sara-Jane Hardman, the authors
of the book

If I love my kid enough


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