#1 for Internationally Adopting Parents January 15, 2006 PAL Center
In this issue
Adoption Articles Directory is a new specialized directory
of high quality articles for internationally adopting parents and
industry professionals. It accepts articles only on international
adoption issues: special need kids, research and statistics, assessment
and services for adoptees, parenting and advice, health and education,
pre-adoption issues and much more. All unrelated to international
adoption articles are rejected.
The published articles are ready for downloading,
printing and reprinting on other sites, provided the links to the
source of information and author's references are kept intact. The
authors are invited to publish their contact info and service description
to help readers identify appropriate resources.
The Directory is a free service to adoptive parents
and adoption professionals, readers and publishers alike. The articles
are classified into categories and will stay in the directory indefinitely,
easy to find, easy to read. No time-consuming search is necessary.
articles from the leading authors of International
Adoption Articles Directory
Gindis, Ph.D.
Second Glance at Institutional Autism in Internationally Adopted Children
Rogu M.D.
Questions on Children with Small Head Size - Microcephaly
Direnfeld, MSW, RSW
and Managing School-Age Children with Behavioral Problems
Gordina, MD, FAAP
Arrival - Car seat safety for internationally adopted children
Becker-Weidman, Ph.D.
Attachment Disorder Checklist
to the spring and summer hosting seasons
For the second year the
Center for Cognitive-Developmental Assessments & Remediation
offers psychological consultations on developmental status of the hosted
children to the agencies and parents, participating in such programs.
This service has already proved to be helpful and reassuring
to the hopeful parents, supportive - to the programs' administration,
and .... entertaining for the kids, who are pleased with the undivided
personal attention of the adults, speaking their language, playful atmosphere,
and prizes for the good performance during the consultation. The parents
can expect to have a lot of questions answered.
Read more
You received this newsletter as a former client of the Center for
Cognitive-Developmental Assessment & Remediation, or a former
student of Bgcenter Online School, or a user of International Adoption
Articles Directory.
To unsubscribe please forward this message
to admin@bgcenterSchool.org
The Bgcenter
Online School is also ready for the new hosting season, offering
an extensive online course Hosting Orphans From Abroad as preparation
for living with and managing older institutionalize children, coming into
their families for 2-3 weeks. Hosting an institutionalized child is an
adventure, for which one can't come unprepared. These children are different:
they all have some traumatic experience in their past, they do not have
dedicated adults who would comfort them in time of need, - they are survivors.
A trip to an other country, given their very structured and controlled
lives in the orphanages, the encounter with new people and the entirely
new world, would be a stressful situation for anyone, but for these children
it is simply an event of a life time, and they may react very differently.
To help you better understand and know how to act in different situation,
be proactive and take a course. Bgcenter Online School offers an online
class for those who need a certificate of completion as proof of preparation
or CD
course for those, who would rather have a flexible time for preparation
and are not interested in a certificate. In both cases the content of
the course is the same, and in both cases you will need an Internet connection
to read/print out the material.