International Adoption Info

Newsletter #80 for Internationally Adopting Parents
January 17, 2008
PAL Center Inc.



PAL Center, Inc.


Courses, CDs, Presentations & Workshops
to prepare
for adoption of an older orphan from abroad

Dr. Gindis answers a parent's question about what to do if the child rejects the other parent

The situation with your daughter's preferences is not so rear and in the majority of cases will disappear eventually if you 1) work on it and 2) do not take it personally. Your child is only several month with you and never experienced a father figure in her life before adoption. Given the fact that even biological children have some sort of preferences with the parents (and during their growth these preferences often change), it's not a surprise that your daughter displays such behaviors. Orphanage children learn to manipulate their environment very early (their life depends on it!), and your daughter exhibits such behavior when she does well with her father in your absence.
Behaviors change slowly, and the children need practice the new patterns of behavior. Keep working on closer ties without forcing the child into anything, rather "provide" her with the appropriate situations when she does not have a choice between parents, stays with the father and experiences positive emotions in the process. For ex.: when she does something with her Daddy, she gets a present from him for something she did well (like using potty, etc. - not for agreeing to be with him).
Let the father employ the activities listed in the article Activities to Promote Healthy Development and later (after 3), the activities described in SmartStart: Home-Based Cognitive and Language Remediation Program for Internationally Adopted Children. These activities are designed to promote bonding and attachment along with cognitive development of a child.

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