Been there, done
Deborah Mumm
Imagine---A Russian Adoption
Can you
imagine what it must be like to adopt a child from Russia? On the other
side of the world millions of children live in old orphanages with no
family to call their own. If you think you might like to be one of those
lucky families that can take an orphaned child into your family, then
you might want to read what it feels like to live through a Russian
Deborah Mumm
with the Newly Adopted Child
You spend months or years planning for this child.
The paperwork and waiting is finally over. Your child is home! But reality
of all this will rear its ugly head when day to day parenting takes
over. Your child refuses to sleep. They misbehave in public. He has
frequent temper tantrums. Suddenly the responsibility of taking care
of this new child seems overwhelming. What are some steps you can take
to help you cope?
Published by Chris Robertson
Woman's Guide to Traveling with Babies
with babies can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be a nightmare.
When you plan ahead, you can succeed in taking care of both your baby
and yourself.
Published by Chris Robertson
Three-Ring Circus: 5 Tips for Single Moms Who Work
you're a single mom who works, you probably don't have a lot of time
to read, so let's get right to the point. In addition to your salaried
work, you're a chauffeur, a nurse, a psychotherapist, and an educator.
It's as though you're not only the ringleader of your family, but you're
also the master juggler (of schedules), the tightrope walker (of finances),
the lion tamer (of behavior), and the trapeze artist (as you swing from
home to work and back again). Here are five tips to help you keep your
sanity when the circus takes up permanent residence in your household.