Lingering problems
with socialization and peer interaction
B. Gindis Ph.D.
Difficulties with socialization
and peer interaction in older internationally adopted children
Surveys of adoptive
parents (McCarthy, 2005, National Survey of Adoptive Parents, 2010),
research (Meese, 2005, Gunnar, 2007, Bruce, 2009), and my own clinical
experience (Gindis, 2006) suggest that a disproportionally large
number of internationally adopted (IA) children fail to establish and
maintain age-appropriate peer relations during their formative years.
It is particularly evident in so-called "older" adoptees,
those who were adopted after the age of 5. Difficulties with peer relations
are, in a certain way, their "trade-mark": teachers and parents
in unison report that too many IA children are less socially successful
than their age counterparts. In this article I discuss their difficulties
in the process of gaining the knowledge, social skills, and appropriate
language that allow for integration into a peer group. This process
implies accepting, either consciously or subconsciously, the values,
attitudes, norms, social roles and manners of interaction that are prevalent
in the group (Ryan, 2000).
The Consequences of Negative
Peer Relations
In all periods of childhood, but
particularly during the pre-adolescent and adolescent years, peer interactions
and friendships constitute the core of socialization and provide a feeling
of belonging and self-validation, a context for self-disclosure and
emotional security (Ryan, 2000,Thompson & O'Neill, 2001). Peer friendship
is a form of attachment, while peer rejection and bullying are psychologically
traumatic. Inadequate socialization causes adjustment difficulties,
emotional instability, and anxieties. Rejection by peers has a negative
effect on a child's self-esteem and contributes to development of loneliness
and gloominess (Ryan, 2000, Thompson & O'Neill, 2001, Ronk, 2011).
Rejected children often gravitate towards one another, thus escalating
each other's depressive or acting out behavior. International adoptees
have a tendency to associate with younger children, children with learning
or behavior issues, and those who are the least popular (McCartney,
2005, Gindis, 2006). If this issue is not properly addressed, IA children
may accumulate the experience of being rejected - a typical background
for future emotional and behavioral problems.
The Causes of Peer Rejection
Rejections may occur for a variety
of reasons. As noted by their parents, a typical base for rejection
of IA children by their peers is their aggressive or odd (quirky, "strange")
behavior. Because of their immature and at times challenging behavior,
IA children may require more supervision and thus are less likely to
be invited to their friends' houses. Adoptive parents, in turn, are
concerned about their child's behavior when they cannot monitor it,
so they are also reluctant to permit play dates away from home. Rare
after-school contacts do not facilitate companionship and offer no opportunities
to develop the closeness between friends that encourages self-disclosure
and the provision of emotional support. So, what is behind those "atypical"
behaviors in IA children and what are its manifestations?
Aside from personal qualities, there
are objective circumstances in the former and current environment of
IA children which make it difficult for them to acquire new social norms
and skills. By the time of adoption, their psychological profile already
includes many characteristics that can hinder interpersonal connections.
Let's look at these characteristics in order to better understand how
deeply they may be ingrained into an IA child's psychological makeup
and how to help children overcome these traits after the adoption.
Poor Self-Regulation
Starting life in a dysfunctional
family and then experiencing a peculiar combination of rigid routine
with ongoing turnover of caregivers and frequent transfers of children
within and between institutions creates unpredictability in living arrangements
and leads to a tremendous sense of instability and lack of control.
With virtually no personal choices and no private possession such as
toys or other goods, there is a minimal need for behavioral self-regulation,
long-term planning, or goal-directed consistent behavior. And, of course,
there are no adults in their lives who can model and support self-regulatory
skills. Orphanage residents live in a "reactive" mode, surviving
one day at a time. Limitations with self-regulation of behavior and
emotions are evident in emotional volatility, difficulty with delaying
gratification, making transitions between activities and, most of all,
in difficulties with resisting acting on an impulse. Imagine a nine
year old with these characteristics trying to engage with a group of
peers playing organized sport or working on a group project in the classroom.
Mixed Maturity
The development of many international
adoptees was mediated by a chain of traumatic events in their early
childhood such as abandonment, hunger, deprivation of basic physical
and emotional needs, abuse, institutionalization, and finally adoption
to another country. This pattern of development may result in what is
known as Developmental Trauma Disorder, adversely affecting the entire
maturation of the child by inhibiting the integration of cognitive,
emotional, and sensory functions into a cohesive whole. Victims of DTD
present with "mixed maturity" (Cogen, 2008): at times they
may demonstrate the behavior of an older child and at times of a much
younger one. For example, in terms of self-care, alertness to the environment
and basic survival skills post-institutional children may be well advanced
for their age, but in reaction to stress and frustration they may act
like a child several years younger. Their reactions to social events,
interpersonal relationships, academic learning, and their overall adaptive
behavior are often different from what is expected at their age. As
a result, it is difficult for them to interact with peers, to share
interests, to participate in conversation, to engage in play, sports,
or learning activities. They may be isolated in Scout groups, excluded
from different spontaneous "projects," and left out during
the complete article with Dr. Gindis' recommendations