Recovering from
Leading an adopted child to recovery from an early
and often unknown trauma is one of the most difficult to cope with,
sometime devastating experiences of the international adoption. We discussed
this subject in the earlier Newsletters (see Newsletter
#12 - Old Trauma, New Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress...)
and we return to it again, because the families who find themselves
in this predicament need to understand that this is a long term process
with setbacks and no guarantees, and an intense, prolonged, and consistent
remedial effort is the key.
Below is a message from a parent (all identifiable personal
info is removed) and the reply from Dr. Gindis. Unfortunately the situation
described in the message is not so rear: at the BGCenter we constantly
hear the adoptive parents' horrifying stories of child abuse in varies
donor countries, mostly of children before being sent to an orphanage,
but sometime in the orphanage as well. Reactive Attachment
Disorder - a frequent result of sustained emotional trauma, or any other
antisocial and disruptive behaviors stemming from trauma, do not go
away on their own. In fact, as many parents report, they may resurface
with new force in teenage years. The solution is not to wait and get
professional help from the start.
My daughter had always been in the institution until age 5 when I adopted
her. The day she came to me she called me "mom" and freely
sat in my lap. She didn't bother to say good-bye to her caretakers when
they left her. She didn't cry till it was time to go to sleep. After
the hand-off, I took her back to the hotel, changed her clothes and
brought her to the children's playroom. The room was neatly filled with
an abundance of toys, including about 15 large, life-sized, stuffed
dolls that were lined up along one wall. My daughter looked around the
room, picked up something that resembled a stick and up to each doll
in turn and whacked it on the side of the face as hard as she could
while screaming at it. She went down the line and back again hitting
each doll twice and if she didn't land the blow exactly on the cheek
alongside the ear, she lifted the doll's head up by the hair and whacked
it again in the proper place. When she was done (and out of breath)
she threw the "stick" down and began to explore the room.
I was dumbfounded. Her behavior since has been very difficult to manage
and if she perceives that she's been given a command, she refuses to
cooperate and becomes disruptive. This has caused a lot of problems
in school and they are asking me to consider medication and possible
ED (emotionally disturbed) classification on her IEP. She still has
frequent meltdowns in school where she runs off from the staff (to the
street) and hides or kicks, screams, hits, bites etc. I received a call
several weeks ago because she tried to stab a boy in the eye with her
pencil because he made her mad. Two days before this incident I caught
her (at home) stabbing the dog in the back with a pencil. I talked to
her at length about this and then she did it at school. I don't know
where to go for therapy. She has her sweet moments but I must admit
she's wearing me out. Whenever she's in any sort of group she demands
all the attention and if she's not the complete focus of the group she
makes annoying noise or movement or becomes extremely disruptive. Where
can I get therapy for her?
It's impossible to suggest any specific treatment of the child just
based on one message, however, my experience tells me that any therapy
by itself is not enough in your case. You will need a comprehensive
plan to approach this situation. The plan should include:
- Medical management: Your daughter needs to be stabilized
emotionally in order to be available for other treatments and school/family
- A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment of your
child, possibly psychiatric assessment as well are in order: (1) the
child needs to be objectively evaluated in terms of her danger for
herself and others; (2) the appropriate therapies should be identified.
- School arrangement: Educational classification, small
class placement, structured environment, instructional and testing
accommodations, etc.
- Family therapy: Your parental techniques need to be
adjusted or modified for your child's condition.
- You have to take care of yourself: Being worn
off is the worst possible condition in dealing with an emotionally
disturbed child. You need a respite from time to time to continue
to be effective.
B. Gindis Ph.D.