Newsletter #23 for Internationally Adopting Parents
July 1, 2006
PAL Center Inc.

In this issue

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Latest Articles
from the

International Adoption Articles Directory

Robert K. Crabtree, Esq.
Mistakes People Make in the Special Education Process
This is the second of a series of short articles I have written to discuss some of the mistakes people make in the special education process. This article focuses on mistakes commonly made by school districts. A general theme ran through the comments I received from attorneys, advocates and parents while I prepared this article: anything a school system does that undermines parents’ trust creates a climate that is costly in dollars, time, peace of mind and the quality and success of services given to the child.
Part 2 – Mistakes Made by School Districts

Alla Gordina, MD, FAAP
Scabies in internationally adopted children
“I have heard that my son’s orphanage has a problem with scabies and that he is more than likely going to have them.
What is the best way to be proactive about this? Should we treat him and us as soon as we meet (if he has them)? We may be traveling with our older daughter (4.5yrs) so we are worried that she would catch them.”
” My daughter came home from Russia last month with them, and after a delay in diagnosis I did the Nix treatment with her (and me, just in case). It seemed to work well and the sores disappeared, but now it's two weeks later and new ones are appearing. A friend told me she'd heard there was a different strain of scabies in Europe that our usual medications might not treat. “
Dr. Gordina summarizes her answers to many parents asking this question.

From our database

Things To Do In Summer To Prevent Slowdown In Cognitive Language Development

The school year is over, and all the children (and their parents!) are ready for a switch to summer schedule. We asked Dr. Gindis if he has any recommendations, related to this time of the year, for the parents of recently internationally adopted children.

Well, it's certainly a great time to enjoy any sports activities and outdoors, sleep a bit more and have fun in the sun. But - there is always a "but!" Internationally adopted older children who joined your family recently or children who may have been adopted as early as toddlers but will go to school or pre-school the first time next fall, are in a special situation.

First, let's look at those who arrived recently. In most cases, these children are in the process of intense cognitive and language remediation which will continue for several years. School and family are the main framework for their remedial process, and both are very important, creating necessary intensity for advancement. Intensity is the key here. All children have a tendency to slide back in the academic language progress during summer time, which is no surprise. Internationally adopted children are even more prone to this slide, but for most of them some form of a continuing effort to compensate academically is desirable during the summer as well. If your child is eligible for summer school or any extra-curriculum program, do not let this opportunity for recovery consolidation pass by, go for it. For those who were considering external remedial programs like the Lindermood-Bell program, summer may be the best time to do it. Every remedial effort will pay off later.

For parents whose internationally adopted children will enter the school system in the fall, it is very important to be alert and involved in everything education-related in their children's life: it is not so rare for adopted children who did not show any delays prior to school entrance to begin displaying some signs of learning disabilities, which both parents and teachers tend to discount initially as temporary adjustments to schooling. It's better to be overly cautious than waste time when your help is needed.

Entering school is a memorable moment for every child; it's up to us to make these memories positive. Happy holiday to everyone!
Boris Gindis, Ph.D.

Deanna Mascle
When, What, and How You Should Teach Your Preschooler
One of the most important things you can do for your child is to offer an environment rich in learning opportunities. If you give your child the opportunity to learn then he will learn -- it really is as simple as that.

Boris Gindis, Ph.D.
SmartStart: Home-Based Cognitive and Language Remediation Program for Internationally Adopted Children
The SmartStart program is a useful tool for any family with young children. It offers traditional family activities and games, which parents are invited to make more meaningful and remedial for their children without taking the fun out. These activities are not randomly picked; they are selected to reflect what is currently known about best practices in promoting cognitive and social development of young children.


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