International Adoption Info

Newsletter #112 for Internationally Adopting Parents
June 18, 2009
PAL Center Inc.


Coming Soon to
the BGCenter Online School:
New online classes
for parent's support
after the adoption

    Online class PC1
    The first year home: What to expect and how to respond

    Dr. Patty Cogen, the author of the book
    Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child--from your first hours together through the teen years.

    Online class SJM1
    Adopting a Child From Birth to Three Years Old

    Jean Roe Mauro, LCSW and Sara-Jane Hardman, the authors of the book
    If I love my kid enough

You receive this newsletter
as a former client or correspondent
of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
or a former student
of the BGCenter Online School,
or a user of the International Adoption Articles Directory.



Latest Articles
from the

International Adoption Articles Directory


Remediation Is Not Equal Tutoring

From the editor:
Here is a selection of articles, new and from our database, that talk about remedial methodologies suitable for children of international adoption. There are certainly many other methodologies that are not mentioned here, but the main idea is that very often parents (and school personnel as well!) get fooled with the exceptionally quick grasp of conversational English by the IA children and believe that traditional tutoring to get up to speed academically and culturally will be sufficient for them to catch up with their pears despite years of previous traumatic experience, low self esteem and motivation, lack of educational opportunities and possible neurological impairments that wait to be identified. And sometime it may be the case, but for very many other children the only hope is a consistent, appropriate and intense remedial effort from the very beginning of their family and school life...

Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes offer learning program for reading, writing, dyslexia, autism, spelling, comprehension strategies, comprehension skills, language process, tutor, fluency improvement, improving, phonics, professional development methods, literacy instruction, tutoring help, instruction at learning school, center, clinic, instruction, children programs. Available independent training, education, learners, spelling help, Dyslexia Teaching, Autism Instruction.
Boris Gindis, Ph.D.
Educational and Mental Health Intervention for Internationally Adopted Children
Dr. Gindis' summary of the latest research data on the state of intervention available in the US for internationally adopted children and their families. The psychologist highlights and comments the major findings of this publication.
Boris Gindis, Ph.D.
SmartStart: Home-Based Cognitive and Language Remediation Program for Internationally Adopted Children
Children of different ages adopted internationally are often ”at risk” educationally. Deprived of essential learning experiences in orphanages, they are indeed disadvantaged and may have cognitive and language problems moving to more advanced levels of learning after adoption. The answer to this problem in many cases is an early, well-planned, focused, and systematic cognitive and language remediation at school, in the community, and at home. Dr. Gindis gives an overview of the SmartStart program that attempts to enhance every day family activities and make them more cognitively and developmentally effective for a child.
Internet Digest
Real life: What makes a good adoptive parent?
Are some people just not suitable to be adoptive parents and when deciding, do social workers have too much power?
Stephanie Bruno
The "Time Out" Debate
Do you use "TIME OUT" either at home with your own children or within the work day with the little ones you treat?


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