Attachment Problems
- Danish Scientist's Perspective
Niels Peter Rygaard is a Danish psychologist
specialized in treating children with attachment disorder. His
new book is called
Severe attachment disorder in childhood
A guide to practical therapy
Peter Rygaard
general introduction to attachment disorder
Society has not yet been very successful in finding
ways to prevent Attachment Disorder in general or in developing successful
therapeutic methods for the individual child. If the first relations
in life have gone wrong, they seem to be very difficult to remedy later
in life. Attachment seems to be a window, wide open from
birth and gradually closing more or less towards age 3.
Peter Rygaard
with adoptees in puberty
The background of these reflections is a number of
therapies with a quite uniform content matter: the adopted child enters
puberty, and the family experiences a number of serious conflicts to
the surprise of those involved. These conflicts often contain the element
of intense anger towards the adoptive parents, some times even violence.
I have tried to convey some reflections on useful ways of understanding
this chain of events, hoping that they can be useful for therapists
when planning the therapeutic sessions.