International Adoption Info

Newsletter #126 for Internationally Adopting Parents
March 15, 2010
PAL Center Inc.


New classes coming to the BGCenter Online School this spring:

1. Online class PC1
The first year home:
What to expect and how to respond

2. Online class SJM1
Adopting a Child From Birth
to Three Years Old

Jean Roe Mauro, LCSW and Sara-Jane Hardman, the authors
of the book

If I love my kid enough

Internet Digest

President Obama changing 'No Child Left Behind'

Treating Behavior Issues in Developmental Disorders

You receive this newsletter
as a former client or correspondent
of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
or a former student
of the BGCenter Online School,
or a user of the International Adoption Articles Directory.



Latest Articles
from the

International Adoption Articles Directory

New Articles


Dr. Marlene Maheu
Your child is not your friend
There is a purely emotional part of the parent/child relationship that is built on affection and esteem. Parents and children are genetically geared to love each other, and it’s a beautiful thing to behold. But there’s a stage where parenting becomes a functional role, not just an emotional role. With infants, the emotional role shows when a mother demonstrates her love by holding, talking and singing to the child. The functional role involves feeding, changing diapers and bathing the baby. One without the other is damaging for the child.

Dr. Marlene Maheu
Co-Dependency or Kindness?
"I just want to show people I love that I care, but I end up feeling resentful when they don't do the same for me in return. If only people were as considerate toward me as I am toward them, I'd be a lot happier, and feel more secure. Something just isn't right."

Monique Schlosser
Who Is Going To Save Our Children?
Take a look at the children and young teenagers around your area. Anything look different? Take a closer look at a large group of children playing in a local school yard or in a nearby playground. More and more children and young adults are getting heavier. In fact, obesity among children has tripled over the past three decades.
Telling your children about your breast cancer diagnosis
One of the things you are going to have to do when you get diagnosed with cancer is to tell your children about it. It's going to be a very difficult and distressing time for you all, but it's vital for you and your family to talk about it in order for you to move forward with your treatment. Some experts believe that telling people about your cancer can be a constructive step in the treatment process.

BGCenter West
BGCenter Has Opened its West Coast Office-
the BGCenter-West!

Dr. B. Gindis travels between offices and provides services in both Centers
Next Trip
June 5-19, 2010
Please call the main number at
for the advanced scheduling in both locations


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