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International Adoption Info

Newsletter #143 for Internationally Adopting Parents
March 15, 2011
PAL Center Inc.


JCCA 17th Annual

Adoption & the Family

Childhood Attachment
Trauma &
the Stressed Shaped Brain

New Specialist
in the BGCenter
Spanish Bilingual Extension

Initial screening
of your internationally adopted child
in the Spanish Language
is now available both at
the Phoenix &
New York
BGCenter offices!

New Online Class
from B. Gindis Ph.D.

Cumulative Cognitive Deficit
in Internationally Adopted Children

Coming Soon!

You receive this newsletter
as a former client or correspondent
of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
or a former student
of the BGCenter Online School,
or a user of the International Adoption Articles Directory.



Latest Articles
from the

International Adoption Articles Directory
New Articles
Pragmatic Language Deficits in International Adoptees

Tatyana Elleseff MA CCC-SLP
What are social pragmatic language deficits and how do they impact international adoptees years post adoption?

This article defines pragmatic language impairment, explains the referral process for assessment and intervention of pragmatic language deficits, cites select assessment instruments sensitive to detection of pragmatic language impairment as well as explains the advantages and disadvantages of social pragmatic assessment and intervention in school vs. private therapy settings.

Imagine a case of John. John is a bright 11 year old boy who was adopted at the age of 3 from Russia by American parents. John's favorite subject is math, he is good at sports but his most dreaded class is language arts. John has trouble understanding abstract information or summarizing what he has seen, heard or read. John's grades are steadily slipping and his reading comprehension is below grade level. He has trouble retelling stories and his answers often raise more questions due to being very confusing and difficult to follow. John has trouble maintaining friendships with kids his age, who consider him too immature and feel like he frequently "misses the point" due to his inability to appropriately join play activities and discussions, understand non-verbal body language, maintain conversations on age-level topics, or engage in perspective taking (understand other people's ideas, feelings, and thoughts). John had not received speech language services immediately post adoption despite exhibiting a severe speech and language delay at the time of adoption. The parents were told that "he'll catch up quickly", and he did, or so it seemed, at the time. John is undeniably bright yet with each day he struggles just a little bit more with understanding those around him and getting his point across. John's scores were within normal limits on typical speech and language tests administered at his school, so he did not qualify for school based speech language therapy. Yet John clearly needs help.

John's case is by no means unique. Numerous adopted children begin to experience similar difficulties; years post adoption, despite seemingly appropriate early social and academic development. What has many parents bewildered is that often times these difficulties are not glaringly pronounced in the early grades, which leads to delayed referral and lack of appropriate intervention for prolonged period of time.
FASD Project
Children with FASD in Schools

The Center for Cognitive-Developmental Assessment and Remediation (BGCenter) announces a new project "Children with FASD in Schools"

There is no medical treatment for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD): an early implementation and continuous monitoring of an appropriate system of support at school and at home that include special education services, counseling and behavioral therapies is the only means of remediation.

FASD is acknowledged in some states as an educationally handicapping condition and is not accepted as such in others, but these children need to have an established diagnosis and individualized educational services as early as possible to help them compensate for their disabilities. That's where the Children with FASD in Schools project hopes to make a difference for families.


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