Is bilingualism
good for my child?
The question of preserving the native language
of an adopted child is necessarily on the mind of any internationally
adopting parent. It's not an academic issues for them: the parents need
to understand their options and make an intelligent choice for their
child; and they will have to organize their new family accordingly to
support this decision.
To help you understand current approach to
bilingualism in children at large and internationally adopted children
specifically, we publish several articles from our database, as well
as selected on the Internet, to give you the necessary background data.
The general research on bilingualism is explained in the article, written
specifically for parents by Kendall King and Lyn
Fogle, Georgetown University in the article:
Bilingual Children: Common Parental Concerns and Current Research
The research on the typical issues of internationally adopted
children that may potentially effect their bilingualism is presented
by Ruth Lyn Meese, Ph.D. in the article:
Few New Children: Postinstitutionalized children of Intercountry Adoption
Boris Gindis, Ph.D. looks specifically at
the state of native language of international adoptees and the potential
consequences of international adoptee's specificity for their bilingualism.
In his articles below
Language, and Educational Issues of Children Adopted from Overseas
and cons of keeping the native language of the adopted child
- International adoptees are not bilingual
- International adoptees have delays and weaknesses in
their first language
- International adoptees learn English in a different
way than "typical" English language learners
- International adoptees live in monolingual (English
only) families
This specificity of internationally adopted children makes
them different from children in immigrant families and it needs to be
considered by the parents in their decision about bilingualism and many
other issues of their newly adopted children.