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International Adoption Info

Newsletter #170 for Internationally Adopting Parents
March 26, 2014
PAL Center Inc.

Recent Articles

    Jeltje Simons Consequences and discipline in an internationally adopted child's upbringing
    A consequence is a natural fallout of a person's choice, action or inaction. It differs from punishment in that a punishment is a retribution. A punishment is "getting back" at someone, trying to hurt them physically or emotionally in the hope that they will behave as we want them to behave in the future.
    It is much easier to learn from natural consequences then from punishment, as punishment makes people afraid to do something, but not necessarily agree that their action was wrong.

    B. Gindis Ph.D.
    Difficulties with socialization and peer interaction in older internationally adopted children
    Socialization implies accepting, either consciously or subconsciously, the values, attitudes, norms, social roles and styles of interaction that are prevalent in the group. In this article I discuss difficulties of IA children in the process of gaining the knowledge, social skills, and appropriate language that allow for integration into a peer group.

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Attention to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

B. Gindis Ph.D.
Psychological characteristics of internationally adopted post-institutionalized children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

FASD must be recognized as an educational handicap in our school system in order to change the outcomes for afflicted children. Educational remediation and cognitive-behavioral therapeutic intervention are the most effective remedial methods for IA children with FASD. Practical recommendations for adoptive parents include early identification and specialized remediation of “secondary” disabilities through concerted efforts of the school and family.


May 13-14, 2014
at CALO in Lake Ozark, Missouri

Dr. Gindis presents:
Development Mediated by Trauma:
Internationally adopted post-institutionalized children in US

More Information and Registration: CALO Website     Conference Brochure


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