International Adoption Info

Newsletter #85 for Internationally Adopting Parents
March 27, 2008
PAL Center Inc.


14th Annual Conference

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Boris Gindis Ph.D.
Workshops and Presentations


2008 Annual Medical Institute & Conference

"Creating Permanency Through Families:
Intercountry Adoption's Role
in Child Welfare"

Wednesday, April 09, 2008 -
Saturday, April 12, 2008

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as a former client or correspondent
of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
or a former student
of the BGCenter Online School,
or as a user of the International Adoption Articles Directory.

Latest Articles
from the

International Adoption Articles Directory
New Articles

Unhappy Birth Mother and Your Child - What's the Link?

Sara-Jane Hardman and Jean Roe Mauro, LCSW
In the womb: the crucial first step
The conditions of pregnancy shape every aspect of a child's later life.

Craig Smith
Depression and pregnancy-what is the connection?
With the added concern that depression can factor into the health of the baby, it is important to know something about how depression and pregnancy are connected.

Robert Baird
Preterm labor and birth
There is no exact physical or physiologic point at which a fetus ceases to be premature and becomes mature, no matter how precisely the pregnancy is dated. All the changes that occur are gradual, especially in the latter two-thirds of the third trimester. There are no great leaps forward in baby behavior from one day to the next. In general, however, 37 weeks completed gestation is considered mature. Any labor occurring before 37 weeks is considered preterm labor and any baby born before 37 weeks is considered preterm.

Internet Digest

ADVANCE for speech-language pathologists and audiologists
Accelerated head growth - is it an early autism predictor?
Children with autism have normal-size heads at birth but develop accelerated head growth between six and nine months of age, a period that precedes the onset of many behaviors that enable physicians to diagnose the developmental disorder.

ADVANCE for speech-language pathologists and audiologists
Smaller Babies
The connection between birth weight and mental health.


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