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Shall I use books,
tapes, videos, etc. to prevent my daughter from losing her native
A: There
is one specific problem I would like you to be sensitive to. Please
be sure that these activities (songs, games, etc.) are really a
pleasurable experience for your child. The native language in post-institutionalized
children may be associated with bitter feelings of pain, discomfort
and anxiety. Very often these are unconscious feelings resulting
from deprivation, hunger, abuse that these children had experienced
in their early years. Unfortunately, this is a more common situation
than is usually understood, at least in my clinical experience.
Q: Does
reading correlate at all with speaking at age appropriate levels?
A: A
detailed answer can be found at
Dr. Boris Gindis,
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Adoption Articles Directory
MaryJo Wagner, Ph.D. Ten
Easy Ways to Help Kids Learn: A Brain-based Learning Strategy that Really
Crossing the mid-line
is a simple brain-based-learning strategy with dozens of variations
that kids and adults can easily do throughout the day. Use these teacher
resources and parent tips to help kids improve reading, do homework,
and learn new skills. Use them yourself to improve job performance or
teaching. Helps everybody focus on the task at hand and get it done.
Boris Gindis Ph.D.
The signs of speech and language delay in young
internationally adopted children
article was inspired by a telephone consultation with a prospective
parent concerned about a 3 year old child from South America, who she
was considering for adoption. A pediatrician evaluated the child and
gave him a clean bill of health but was doubtful about his
speech: the child was not talking at all and instead pointed at things
as a means of expressing himself. The child had a hearing test which
came back fine. The parent wanted to know how this situation with
an obvious language delay could be interpreted, and what the prognosis
for recovery from such delay might be. As required for the consultation,
the parent provided a list of questions that she wanted to discuss with
me. The questions were very detailed and well formulated, and I felt
that the same concerns may be on the minds of many other adoptive parents,
as significant developmental delay is not an exception, but rather a
rule with many internationally adopted children.
From our database: Native
language attrition in internationally adopted children
Boris Gindis Ph.D. What
should adoptive parents know about their childrens language-based
school difficulties? Part I: Native language attrition
is a powerful tool that mediates all aspects of our life, either enhancing
or inhibiting performance in all domains. Having a solid biological
foundation, language, as no other human ability, is sensitive to cultural
and social influences. Like any other psychological function, if not
in use, language ceases to exist.
II: Cognitive/academic implications of rapid first language loss
Language is a mediator, a key element in most
cognitive and behavioral skills. If the tool is taken away in an abrupt
manner, all these skills can deteriorate too.
IV: Language issues of children adopted at an early age Is
it possible that children adopted internationally as early as 18-24
months of age may still experience language-based academic problems
during their school years? The answer is yes.