International Adoption Info

Newsletter #110 for Internationally Adopting Parents
May 14, 2009
PAL Center Inc.


Coming Soon to
the BGCenter Online School:
New online classes
for parent's support
after the adoption

    Online class PC1
    The first year home: What to expect and how to respond

    Dr. Patty Cogen, the author of the book
    Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child--from your first hours together through the teen years.

    Online class SJM1
    Adopting a Child From Birth to Three Years Old

    Jean Roe Mauro, LCSW and Sara-Jane Hardman, the authors of the book
    If I love my kid enough

Internet Digest

Vaccine records of internationally adopted children may not reflect protection against disease

Thinking about Olia's relatives

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Latest Articles
from the

International Adoption Articles Directory


Speech and Language Remediation
of International Adoptees

Speech and language problems continue to be important issues for the internationally adopted children and their parents years after the adoption. They should be addressed early on, as a lack of progress may directly affect the child's educational success, emotional well being and behavior. Articles below from the specialists in speech/language and cognitive development remediation point out again and again at the necessity of special efforts and methods of working on your child's cognitive language development.

Tatyana Elleseff MA CCC-SLP
Functional Strategies for Improving the Language Abilities of Your Adopted School-Age Child
This article describes fun and functional ways of improving your adopted school age child's language abilities via popular games the whole family can enjoy. It also describes the hierarchy of language acquisition skills as well as offers some ideas and suggestions for successful implementation of strategies to increase your child's abilities and promote maximum learning success.

Boris Gindis, Ph.D.
The Signs of Speech and Language Delay in Young Internationally Adopted Children
This article was inspired by a telephone consultation with a prospective parent concerned about a 3 year old child from South America, who she was considering for adoption. A pediatrician evaluated the child and gave him a “clean bill of health” but was doubtful about his speech: the child was not talking at all and instead pointed at things as a means of expressing himself. The child had a hearing test which came back fine.

Carol S. Lidz Psy.D.
Online courses or CD SmartStart Program: Helping Your Internationally Adopted Child Develop a Foundation for Learning

Questions and Answers 
Q. Our school tells us that our son's difficulties in school are because he is translating from Russian to English. He is 8 and had no formal schooling. He came in 2006 and started 3rd grade. Speaks no Russian. Does he do this?
A. Your school is completely, completely wrong! Your son has no language to translate from - his Russian was gone within the first several months of adoption, and the English language is his only language, which is typical for the children adopted into American family speaking English only. This happens even when the children have a well developed native language by the time of adoption; it happens even faster when the children come with significant language delays.

If your son struggles with English after 3 years of living in the US, he definitely has issues which are not related to the new language acquisition only. Were your school professionals knowledgeable of the specifics of language learning process by international adoptees, they would do an assessment of your child in the Russian language on arrival and provided the child with the necessary services and support from the start. They did not do it apparently and thus lost 3 years when he could have been helped, and it would have been much easier for him to catch up.

Your son needs a psycho-educational assessment ASAP to be eligible for all remedial services at school.
BGCenter Admin


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