International Adoption Info

Newsletter #99 for Internationally Adopting Parents
November 27, 2008
PAL Center Inc.

We Wish Our Reader
a Happy Thanksgiving
Deep Relaxation!

Upcoming Conference at
Ametz Training Institute for Professionals

Preparing the families
to adopt
the older children
from overseas

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

JCCA, 120 Wall Street
New York City

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of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
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International Adoption Articles Directory
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Hypnotherapy Session Demystified

It's not easy in our modern sedentary life, highly intense and overloaded with poor economic news, stressful relations and difficult behavior of a needy child to stay on course, be positive and, sometimes, simply sane. Therapy is one way out, which a lot of us would not try until we fall apart, hypnotherapy especially. It seems like "too fancy," or too scary, or just too unknown territory for experimenting.

The hypnotherapist Elina Polyakov, Board certified psychotherapist, licensed in NY and NJ, analyses one of her cases in detail, showing step by step how her session proceeds and what her patient experiences on the way. You will probably be as surprised as the anxious and stressed out patient herself that the whole procedure is much simpler than it sounds, and it works!

Hypnotherapy can help with a whole range of typical day-to-day issues anyone can get entangled in. In addition to anxiety and stress, there are other problems and conditions that respond well to hypnosis, which include sleep disorders (i.e. insomnia), addictions, chronic pain, weight loss, phobias, past trauma, depressed mood, problematic habits (i.e. nail biting), low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, anger management, poor time management, eating disorders, poor memory, sexual problems and many more..

Elina Polyakov, LCSW, ACH
Case Study: Hypnotherapy Session

Internet Digest

Erik Eckholm
Nebraska Revises Child Safe Haven Law

The Legislature on Friday revised an unusual law permitting parents to hand children up to age 18 over to state custody without prosecution, instead limiting its reach to infants up to 30 days old. The original law, enacted earlier this year, was intended to protect newborns from being abandoned or killed by panicked young mothers. But since Sept. 1, to the shock of officials and the public in Nebraska, 35 older children, many from 10 to 17 years in age, have been dropped off at hospitals.

Curt Anderson
Florida Gay Adoption Ban Ruled Unconstitutional
A judge overturned a strict Florida law that blocks gay people from adopting children, declaring there was no legal or scientific reason for sexual orientation alone to prohibit anyone from adopting.

Sasha Aslanian
Kids and Stress
Children who spent their early years in orphanages offer researchers a unique opportunity to see how chronic adversity primes the brain's stress response system. New research comparing adoptees to children raised in biological families, or those adopted early from foster care, gives some surprising results.

Jen Graves
Black Kids in White Houses
After all this time, there are still things we don't talk about.

Karen Johnson
Domestic vs. International Infant Adoption
Pros and Cons of both types of adoption


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