International Adoption Info

Newsletter #97 for Internationally Adopting Parents
October 30, 2008
PAL Center Inc.


New professional joins the BGCenter Bilingual Extension network

Anait Azarian

Workshop with
Dr. Gindis' participation
in November 2008

The 28th Annual Adoption Conference

Adoption... Where the Joy Begins

Presented by the Adoptive Parents Committee, Inc.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
8:00AM - 5:00PM

Weill Cornell Medical Center
1300 York Ave.
East 70th St.
New York City, New York

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as a former client or correspondent
of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
or a former student
of the BGCenter Online School,
or as a user of the International Adoption Articles Directory.


Latest Articles
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International Adoption Articles Directory
New Articles 

Remediation and Compensation

Nicole Beurkens
What is remediation?
...We find ways to work around the problems so that the students fit into the mold of what we do at home and in school everyday. Our main motivation becomes applying strategies that help them exhibit what we consider to be “typical” behaviors —sit appropriately in the classroom or at church, learn academic skills, play on the playground equipment, wait in line without becoming upset, greet others when we see them, etc. While we may also look for ways to support their communication and to improve their relationships with others, we do this on a very surface level without really understanding the obstacles that create those problems in the first place. And, because we don’t really understand the root issues that create these problems, we resort to compensation techniques rather than remediating the root causes...

Nicole Beurkens
Back to school: How to strive and thrive during the transition
Some ideas on how to get the child back into routine after a vacation

Cedric DSilva
Meaningful ideas for families
Several ideas on what can be done together with your children and the rest of the family...

Rohan Nardia
How can I get my child to stop teasing?
The best course is to help him develop his emotional intelligence (loosely defined as the ability to cope with one's own feelings as well as those of others). This will enable him to sense when his teasing is mean-spirited, hostile, or simply inappropriate.

Questions and Answers

Q: Dr. Gindis, my school said that you cannot participate in our upcoming EPC by phone, they want you to be present in person. What will we do?

A: Although the preferred method is a face-to-face meeting, the 1999 regulations at 34 CFR § 300. 345(c); § 300.349 [a][2] specifically allow public agencies to use other methods to ensure required members' participation, including individual and telephone conference calls. IDEA 2004 takes this provision one step further to include video conferencing, stating that when conducting IEP meetings and placement meetings, members of the CSE meeting may agree to use alternative means of meeting participation such as video conferences and conference calls.
See § 614(f).

B. Gindis, Ph.D.

Internet Digest

Advance Newsletter
Stuttering in Bilingual Children
Children who are bilingual before the age of 5 are significantly more likely to stutter and to find it harder to lose their impediment, than children who speak only one language before this age, suggests recent research


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