Tempo Tantrums
in Adopted Children
It would not be an exaggeration
to say that there are no families with children, especially internationally
adopted children, that have never encountered behavioral issues with
their kids. In fact, the problems are sometime so severe that the whole
family life is ruined and the parents are stuck in the impossible situation
of not being able to lead normal and productive life any longer. Thus,
managing and preventing tempo tantrums is a must have skill for any
adoptive family.
Jeltje Simons, a single adoptive mother of 2 boys age 7 and 12 with
significant special needs, shares her unique and successful approach
to dealing with tantrums in her children. Before her older son's adoption
she worked many years as a nurse in residential settings for children
and adolescents with special needs in the Netherlands, Ireland and UK.
Her experience, keen observations of her children's behavior and deep
insight and appreciation of her kids' needs led her to creation of a
working system of home-based support and control over their development.
Ms Simons' methods are simple, logical and clearly explained in her
article below. Her home made movie, referenced in the article, shows
how the child comes out of a tantrum and calms down within a few minutes,
without any need for traditional punishment or enforcement of the consequences,
without arguments and continuous stress - he recovers naturally.
Jeltje Simons
Preventing Tantrums
Tantrums are quite common in adopted children even long
after they have passed the toddler years, and this behaviour can be
tricky to deal with. The normal practice of sending the child to his/her
bedroom will not work for most adopted children as they are likely to
feel rejected and often they need close supervision, otherwise they
will probably damage belongings or hurt themselves or others. Ignoring
the child is often not the answer either, as his behaviour is likely
to escalate in an attempt to gain the parent's attention: any attention
- negative or positive - will do.
About the practice of restraining a child who is out of
control by holding them. I am not talking about a discredited "holding
therapy", but I would not recommend restraining a child physically
anyway, as it is easy for the parent to get hurt or unintentionally
hurt the child, especially if the parents are not trained in safe restraining
techniques. Even if this might work when a child is 4, you will have
your hands full when they are 8; and when they are 12 you are likely
to need a black belt to have some sort of physical control. What I really
want to say is that children grow up very quickly, and it is best to
find a method that does not involve testing your physical strength long
before they are bigger and stronger.
It is very important to consciously observe your child:
you will learn to spot the signs when tension is building up. Sometimes
parents say that tantrums and aggression come out of nowhere, but that
is very unlikely. The reason the child loses control might not be found
in the minutes just before the tantrum; there can be a slow buildup
and then something very small may trigger a tantrum. Being able to spot
those subtle signs of trouble gives the parent a possibility to interfere
with the child's behaviour when he is still responsive.
I believe in preventing tantrums; I do not think that
it is beneficial to the parent or the child when the child tantrums
to the point of exhaustion. It is not that once the distress is out
of their system, the reason why the tantrum started is gone. Adopted
children are very complex: surely the cause of a tantrum cannot be a
simple request of putting on a clean pair of trousers in a 7 year old
or just hearing the word NO. Complex issues are interfering with healthy
functioning. There is so much the children do not understand, and they
will not understand until their brains have matured enough to process
such issues as abandonment, neglect, adoption, etc.
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