Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) is a range of medical
and psychological conditions produced by exposure to alcohol before
birth. Alcohol acts as a neuro-behavioral agent that interrupts or alters
the embryo's normal development with the potential for a wide-ranging
and individually variable compromise of the Central Nervous System.
Based on research and my own clinical experience, children with this
condition are presented in significant numbers among international adoptees,
particularly in those from Eastern Europe. FASD is found in population
born in the US as well, but the IA children may experience additional
and very specific difficulties, described below.
Primary disability and diagnosis
The primary disability of a FASD child is rooted in the
organic impairment due to prenatal alcohol exposure and revealed in
certain dismorphic facial features, physical characteristics of growth,
medical status of inner organs (e.g.: heart) , sensory processing, weakness
of the Central Nervous System (CNS), etc.
The diagnostic procedure for FASD is a complicated and
multifaceted process; one of the elements of this process is the analysis
of facial features of a child. But in children from the republics of
former Soviet Union the resemblance of FASD dysmorphology can be explained
by the ethnic origin (e.g.: Kalmyk or Kazakh nations). It takes special
cultural awareness and clinical experience to properly interpret such
facial features as smooth philtrum, epicanthal folds, widely spaced
eyes, flat midface, short upturned nose, thin upper lip, etc., especially
when we have no documented evidence of the ethnicity of the parent(s).
Another element of diagnostic analysis - retardation in growth, revealed
in below the 10th percentile height and weight, is typical for FASD
children in general; but in IA children it can be due to malnourishment
rather than FASD. Thus, it's known that after living for a year in the
US, and having a dramatically changed diet/eating habits, IA children
can reach 25 to 50 percentile in weight and height. On the other hand,
international adoptees without FASD conditions may remain below the
10th percentile in height, weight, and head circumference due to their
genetic make-up and/or their ethnicity, which is common in children
adopted from certain regions of Russia and Kazakhstan.
The next element of diagnostic analysis - the presence of developmental
delays noticeable in cognitive, emotional, and behavioral domains and
usually attributed to FASD condition in population at large, may be
induced by the extreme deprivation and institutionalization, or may
be mediated by institutional upbringing, often to the extent that it
is practically impossible to separate the causes of delays.
A significant predictor of FASD in a child is a documented evidence
of the mother's drinking habits. But in the majority of FASD cases in
international adoptees, no unambiguous evidence of the mother's drinking
is usually available; only a small minority of cases in our data bank
contains a documented evidence of mother's excessive drinking during
pregnancy (e.g.; mother is a registered alcoholic subjected to mandatory
treatment in a narcological clinic).
Characteristics of "secondary" disabilities
The term "secondary" disability refers to distortions
of higher psychological functions due to social factors: organic impairment
prevents children with FASD from mastering cognitive, social, and academic
skills at an age-appropriate rate and level. Progressive divergence
from social and natural milestones of development leads to social deprivation
(in the form of exclusion, humiliation, segregation, etc.) as the society's
response to a child's organic impairment. This, in turn, adversely affects
the whole developmental process and leads to the emergence of delays
and deficiencies that are not directly related to organic impairment,
but rather to societal treatment of children with FASD. From this perspective,
many symptoms of this handicapping condition (e.g.: behavioral infantilism
or primitive emotional reactions) are considered to be secondary defects,
acquired in the process of social interaction. It is the child's social
milieu, not the organic impairment per se that modifies the course of
development and may lead to compensation and rehabilitation or to aggravation
of the primary disability. If not treated, FASD may lead to such secondary
disabilities as emotional/behavioral disorders (e.g.: PTSD, depression
or conduct disorder), disrupted formal schooling due to behavior problems,
violation of the law (from shoplifting to crimes against individuals
and property, to promiscuity), and alcohol/substance abuse.