International Adoption Info

Newsletter #72 for Internationally Adopting Parents
September 27, 2007
PAL Center Inc.



Initial Psycho-Educational
of preschool and school age

Children from China
In the Native Language
Now Available

Psychological services at the Center for Cognitive-developmental Assessment and Remediation

845-694-8496 for details

Upcoming Workshops

ASAP Project
November 10

Adoption & Education
Forum 2007

More details


APC conference
November 18

Adoption: Children are the Hope of the World

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as a former client or correspondent of the Center for Cognitive-Developmental
Assessment & Remediation,
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International Adoption Articles Directory

Dr. Gindis answers your questions

Tutoring VS. Educational Therapy

Dr. Gindis, you mentioned the difference between tutoring and educational remediation. Where is this difference?

Tutoring is usually provided by general education teachers (not trained in remedial techniques) and is aimed at supporting a student with classroom assignments. It is generally directed toward helping with homework.

(sometimes called educational therapy) is an intensive corrective (and in this respect curative) approach that rebuilds the student's knowledge base from wherever his/her instructional level is at the moment. Based on the diagnostic/prescriptive approach to instruction, the remediation identifies the student's academic gaps and skill level. The instructor is able to target and address these weaknesses directly using special methodology. Here are some examples of reading remedial methodologies:

  • Orton-Gillingham is the structured, sequential, multi-sensory teaching of written language based on constant use of associations between how a letter or a word look, how they sound, and how the speech organs or the hand in writing feel when producing it. Children also learn general rules of the English language such when to use -ck and -tch.

  • The Wilson Reading System is a 12-Step remedial reading and writing program for individuals with a language-based learning disability. This program is based on Orton-Gillingham philosophy and principles and current phonological coding research. It directly teaches the structure of words in the English language so that students master the coding system for reading and spelling. Unlike other programs that overwhelm the student with rules, the language system is presented in a very systematic and cumulative manner so that it is manageable. From the beginning steps of the program, it includes oral expressive language development and comprehension. Visualization techniques are used to enhance comprehension.

  • Project Read is an alternative approach to teaching reading and writing concepts and skills to children/adolescents in mainstream classrooms as well as in special education and Chapter One services. It began as a decoding/encoding program, but it was soon very apparent that the majority of these students had more pervasive language learning problems; so the program curriculum was expanded to include reading comprehension and written expression. Thus the name "language Circle," which describes the integration of all the elements of language learning.

  • Lindamood-Bell Phonemic Sequencing (LiPS) Program successfully stimulates phonemic awareness. Students become aware of the mouth actions that produce speech sounds. This awareness becomes the means of verifying sounds within words and enables individuals to become self-correcting in reading and spelling, and speech. The Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking (V/V) program develops concept imagery through a series of steps beginning with expressive language and extending from a word to paragraphs.
Internet News Digest

Ada Calhoun
Interview with Dr. Jane Aronson
Some people prefer to adopt an older child because they can really see who the child is.

Daniel Macintyre
A reasonable Question about Adopting Special Needs
While it's very kind to accept special needs kids, why would one specifically seek them?

Attachment Through Eye Contact
Do you have a child who struggles with attachment? Whether an infant or an older child, is eye contact too difficult for him or her?


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