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Psychological services for internationally adopted children
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Patty Cogen, M.A., Ed.D.
Author of the book "Parenting Your Internationally Adopted Child"

Workshop for Psychotherapists and Other Mental Health Professionals

Working with Internationally Adopted Children and Their Parents
1101 South Winchester Blvd., San Jose, CA 95128
April 9 and 10, 2011
9:30am – 3:30pm (each day)
This two day workshop will prepare you to understand the new diagnosis, Traumatic Developmental Disorder, that has been proposed by Bessel Van Der Kolk, Alicia Leiberman, Frank Putnam, Robert PynoosMichael Scheeringa and others. This diagnosis describes the way that the experience dependent brain develops in unique and predictable ways following traumatic events from infancy and early childhood onward up to adulthood. From this context we will learn about the types of therapeutic and parenting strategies that are most effective with children who exhibit symptoms of TDD. Specifically we will learn about how attention, regulation, attachment, social interactions, and cognitive learning are impacted. These initial impacts result in a widening cascade of disorders, such as ADD, Sensory Integration, Learning disabilities, Conduct Disorders, Somatozation etc.

Certain groups of children are particularly prone to experiencing TDD, such as international adoptees, older domestic adoptees and foster-adopt children, as are children who experience neglect and/or abuse from their biologically related parents. Parents (adoptive or not) have enormous resistance to accepting this diagnosis. There is an urgent need to learn how to educate parents to uses effective and often counterintuitive parenting strategies to help a child move from "survival" behaviors to "family-oriented" behaviors.

Day 1: Understanding the Stress-Shaped Brain and Early Development

Participants will explore the differences between non-traumatic and traumatic development in infants and young children. In addition, we will examine the pending DSM diagnosis of Traumatic Developmental Disorder, and review its resistance by parents with children with this diagnosis.

Day 2: Early Intervention for the Stress-shaped Brain
(Only available to participants who attend Day 1 of the Workshop)

Participants will acquire skills to educate parents, and techniques to help children transition from survival skills to family skills. We will also cover practical aspects of creating your own First Year Home Group.

CEU credits
CEU credits available for LMFT and LCSW; Associated Counselors Provider No.: PC 3161

Fee: $100/ day

Limit: 12 participants/workshop. Reserve your space by March 20, 2011.
After March 30th cancellations are non refundable.

Write checks to: Associated Counselors and send to 1101 South Winchester Blvd., Suite A-101, San Jose, CA. 95128.

What to bring:
Please bring a bag lunch. Morning and afternoon beverages and snacks will be provided.

Additional information:
For more information contact Karen Wride at or call (408) 886-7143



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